Lessons on the Temple
Lesson No. Eighty-Nine

The Temple, Moroni, and the Flag of the United States of America

The connection between the temple, Moroni, and the flag of the United States – After many months of seeking approval for a flag of the United States in front of the Louisville Kentucky Temple from the temple department staff, I went directly to Elder William Walker, the Executive Director of the Temple Department. He agreed that United States flag was a wonderful and complementary symbol to the temple because it symbolizes our belief that the founding of America was a necessary prologue for the restoration of the gospel and the work of the temple.

Also, the Angel Moroni found on the central spire of most temples, is symbolic of Moroni’s role not only in the restoration of the gospel but also in the founding of our country. I believe that Moroni guided Columbus, the Pilgrims, and the Founders in establishing this nation and its Constitution.

Photo of the statue of Angel Moroni on the spire of the Denver Colorado Temple, amidst a cloudy sky. (Image sourced from churchofjesuschrist.org)

Moroni, the Prince of America, guided Columbus and Washington
– Elder Orson Hyde, who was the president of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles for almost thirty years, taught:

“The same angel that appeared unto Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the history of the early inhabitants of this country, whose mounds, bones, and remains of towns, cities, and fortifications speak from the dust in the ears of the living with the voice of undeniable truth. This same angel presides over the destinies of America, and feels a lively interest in all our doings. He was in the camp of Washington; and by the invisible hand led our fathers to conquest and victory; and all this to open and prepare the way for the Church and the kingdom of God to be established on the western hemisphere, for the redemption of Israel and the salvation of the world.

“This same angel was with Columbus, and gave him deep impressions, by dreams and by visions, respecting this New World…and was with him on the stormy deep, calmed the troubled elements, and guided his frail vessel to the desired haven. Under the guardianship of this same angel, or Prince of America, the United States has grown and flourished, like the sturdy oak by the rivers of water.” (See Grand Design by E. Douglas Clark.)

Moroni’s protective hand was withdrawn during the Civil War
– In this same discourse Elder Hyde prophesied that “the guardian angel of these United States will fly to a remote distance” and “the anger of the Almighty will wax hot” against the people of this nation who had broken the covenant with the Lord established by the Founders and “martyred the Saints and Prophets.”

In addition to the mistreatment of members of The Restored Church of Jesus Christ, in the 1800’s slavery increased exponentially and large numbers of Native Americans were killed. This violated God’s covenant with the people of this land, and the Civil War was a cleansing for which Lincoln gave his life as a testimony. Importantly, during the Civil War the Lord moved his people West out of harm’s way.

The temple and Moroni’s role in the future
– Orson Hyde prophesied that after the cleansing of the Civil War that “the guardian angel of America will return to his station, resume his charge, and restore the constitution of our country…” (Ibid) Moroni will have an important role in the future of America.

If it were not for the sealing power which is exercised in temples “the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming” (D&C 2:3). But the converse is also true – because families are being sealed these “covenant people of the Lord…are armed with righteousness and the power of God in great glory” (1 Nephi 14:14). They will be protected as they were during the Civil War.

I believe Moroni, as the “guardian angel of America,” will have an important role in the cleansing and preservation of our nation. The United States is the headquarters of the Lord’s Church, and from this country authorized servants administer the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ world-wide.

A flag in front of the temple and angel Moroni on the spire is a reminder that the founding of this nation and the restoration of the gospel is the Lord’s work, and that neither will fail. (See D&C 3:1-3)

Photo of the Flag of the United States of America being flown at the Tucson Arizona Temple, with the statue of Angel Moroni in the background. (Image sourced from churchofjesuschrist.org)