Lessons on the Temple
Lesson No. Thirty-Three

Temple Sealing Questions

Introduction – Many members have questions about temple sealings.  Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Bednar have given insight on some of the most frequently asked sealing questions.

Who am I sealed to? – I arranged for President Uchtdorf, who at that time was a member of the First Presidency, to take a F-16 flight at Hill AFB.  In appreciation he invited me and the pilot he flew with to his office for lunch.  The pilot had children from a prior marriage.  He asked about who the children would be sealed to.  President Uchtdorf then explained an important doctrine about sealing blessings.   

He said the First Presidency often meets every day, and at most meetings they deal with a stack of sealing issues, such as exceptions to policy, cancellations, and special requests.  Others help gather information, but the decision on sealings is not delegated.    

President Uchtdorf explained that people often seek answers about who someone will be “sealed to” in the eternities, but do not understand the importance of the sealing blessings in this life.   He said that if we are worthy of the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom the “sealed to” questions will all be resolved to our joy and satisfaction.  It is important to have the sealing blessings in this life as this will help us endure to the end so these blessings will be eternal.

Do faithful parents save their wayward children? – Joseph Smith is reported to have said: “When a seal is put upon the father and mother, it secures their posterity, so that they cannot be lost, but will be saved by virtue of the covenant of their father and mother” (TPJS, p. 321).  Elder Orson Whitney of the Twelve used this quote in General Conference in 1929:        

“The Prophet Joseph Smith declared – and he never taught more comforting doctrine – that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them of valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity.”  

This statement given has been quoted frequently, but I have felt that something was missing as it seemed inconsistent with the doctrine of agency and accountability.  In the pre-mortal existence the faithfulness of our Heavenly Parents did not save all their children.       

Elder David Bednar gave the following clarification: “The statements by Joseph Smith and Orson F. Whitney are construed by some members of the Church to mean that wayward children unconditionally receive the blessings of salvation because of and through the faithfulness of parents.”  Elder Bednar explained that more complete notes have become available which makes “the promised blessings conditional upon the obedience of the children” (Faithful Parents and Wayward Children, Ensign, Mar 2014).

The more accurate account of the Prophet’s statement is: “When a father and mother of a family have [been sealed], their children who have not transgressed are secured by the seal wherewith the parents have been sealed.  And this is the Oath of God unto our Father Abraham, and this doctrine shall stand forever” (The Words of Joseph Smith, 241).

Testimony – Some people get “hung up” on gospel questions where the answer has not been given or is inconsistent with what they think it should be.  Remember, there is an answer to all legitimate questions that at the appropriate time will be given just as the examples with President Uchtdorf and Elder Bednar illustrate.

Meanwhile, there is nothing more important than for each of us individually and as a family to receive the blessings of a temple sealing, and then to endure to the end by keeping our covenants.