Lessons on the Book of Mormon 2020
Lesson No. Thirty-Seven

The Power of Forgiveness - 3 Nephi 12:44, 13:14-15

Harold Poole

Harold Poole and the power of forgiveness – Harold is one of my heroes.  His family lived near my family in Holladay Utah, and he is also the father of Linda Warner who is married to my good friend Paul Warner.  On December 8, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attacked the Philippines where Harold was serving in the US Army.  For his heroism during this attack Harold received the Silver Star.  The Silver Star is the third highest honor for valor in combat the military can bestow.

But Harold’s physical courage during this attack is overshadowed by his great moral courage demonstrated during the Bataan Death March and as a prisoner of war in Japan for almost four years.  Of the 250 men in Harold’s unit who were captured only about 50 of them survived the war.

Prayer and the scripture study was key to Harold’s survival as a prisoner of war – Harold explained to me how he was able to survive when so many of his fellows died.  First, he prayed for strength.  In answer to his prayers he found a Bible in the jungle during a work detail.  He was able to keep for the entire time he was a prisoner.  This was also a miracle.

Harold read and applied the teachings of the scriptures, and it saved his life.  He memorized Paul’s teachings to the Romans:  “But we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope” (Romans 5:3-4).

Later Harold wanted to read the Book of Mormon so he prayed for that.  In answer to his prayer he met a fellow prisoner who had one.  He read it and gained a lifelong testimony of the Book of Mormon.        

Forgiveness was key to Harold’s success, peace, and happiness for the rest of his life – Harold told me that when he was liberated at the end of the war he determined then and there to forgive his captors.  Years later when his son was called on a mission to Japan Harold prayed for his success.  He followed the Lord’s teachings to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you” (3 Nephi 12:44). 

The Lord promises people, like Harold Poole, who live this higher law that, “ye shall have great joy and be exceedingly glad, for great shall be your reward in heaven” (3 Nephi 12:12).

The law of forgiveness – The Lord taught His ancient disciples:  “For, if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14-15; 3 Nephi 13:14-15).  The Lord has re-emphasized this doctrine to His disciples in the latter days:  Verily, verily, I say unto you, my servants, that inasmuch as you have forgiven one another your trespasses, even so I, the Lord, forgive you” (D&C 82:1).

Furthermore, we are commanded to forgive all men: “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men” (D&C 64:10).     

Spiritual power (grace) is given to those who strive to live the law of forgiveness – Being able to love our enemies and to forgive all men requires “a mighty change in us, or in our hearts that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” (Mosiah 5:2).  We cannot experience this mighty change of heart through our own efforts, but it requires the strength and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“It is through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means.  This grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts” (Bible Dictionary, Grace).

Grace is a gift from God that enables people like Harold Poole to forgive others, regardless of their offense.  They are then forgiven of their own sins and are able to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation.