Lessons on the Book of Mormon 2020
Lesson No. Fourteen

Blessed in All Things, Both Temporal and Spiritual – Mosiah 2:41

A most remarkable week – In my memory there has never been such a remarkable time as during this last two weeks.   We have been uplifted by General Conference and Easter, in spite of a worldwide pandemic where much of the world has been weighed down.

During this week, my wife Susan and I, have been reminded again and again of how much the Lord has blessed and will continue to bless us and how grateful we are for these blessing.  As we rejoiced in our blessings we are reminded of a favorite scripture:

“And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.  For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.  O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it” (Mosiah 2:41). 

While far from perfect, we strive to hold out faithful to the end.  We feel the tender mercies of the Lord, and He has blessed us in all things, both temporal and spiritual.  The following are some of the gifts and blessings that have been given during this most remarkable time:

The gift of being members of the Church where Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone – At the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held April 4 -5, 2020 a new emblem of the Church was introduced depicting Jesus Christ as its Chief Cornerstone.  This General Conference was most remarkable in many other ways including the following:

  • The gift of The Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World – The gift of the Restoration has and will continue to bless the world in the most important ways.  (See Current Lesson 22)  At this Conference we were given the gift of participating in a Solemn Assembly in commemoration of the Restoration of the Gospel.

  • The gift of living among prophets and apostles – President Russell M. Nelson presides over the Church and is the Lord’s spokesman to the entire world.  We know and have been blessed by President Nelson personally in the most remarkable ways, including when he set me apart as president of the Louisville Kentucky Temple.  All of the First Presidency and the members of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles spoke and gave us inspired council. We know and have been blessed by several of the Apostles, one of whom lives a block away.

  • The gift of temples – Temples are essential to the Lord’s work on both sides of the veil.  It is remarkable, at a time when temples are closed, that President Nelson announced eight new temples to be built around the world including in China and the United Arab Emirates.  In his concluding address at Conference President Nelson referred to the dedicatory prayer of the Salt Lake Temple given by President Wilford Woodruff 127 years ago.  In this prayer President Woodruff was inspired to pray for this very day when temples would be closed and “When Thy people…are oppressed and in trouble, surrounded by difficulties… and shall turn their faces towards this Thy holy house and ask Thee for deliverance, for help, for Thy power to be extended in their behalf, we beseech Thee, to look down from Thy holy habitation in mercy…and listen to their cries.”  Certainly, this prayer and many other prayers given on both sides of the veil will be answered and the work will accelerate.

  • The gift of technology – Because of the worldwide pandemic this General Conference was held online with only the speakers and those giving the prayers in physical attendance.  Technology has blessed the world in many ways, however, we believe that the greatest blessing of technology and the primary reason the Lord has given this gift is so that His Church can be administered and bless people throughout the earth.

Gifts will be given in abundance to compensate for current challenges – During this week the world’s economy was shut down because of an unprecedented worldwide pandemic.  Many died and more were stricken by this invisible enemy.  People worldwide are asked to restrict physical contact with even family.  In such an upheaval the Lord has promised gifts, which will be given greater abundance, and which will more than compensate for the greater challenges:

  • The gift of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ – This is the faith that causes things to happen.  It is the kind of faith that causes the Lord to hear and answer prayers.  This gift can change our hearts so “that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” (Mosiah 5:3).  It is a gift that is given to those who ask for it, and live worthy of receiving it.

  • The gift of science and discovery – I know that the Lord will intervene in the current pandemic at a time and in a way that He knows best.  I think it is very likely that part of His intervention will be through the gift of science and discovery of medicine, vaccines, etc.  Those who have eyes to see, see that hand of the Lord in science and discovery.

  • The gift of the Sabbath and of home centered worship – President Nelson was inspired to introduce home centered worship over a year ago.  The timing was perfect so that home centered worship was in place for this pandemic.  Families worship, keep the Sabbath, partake of the sacrament, study the gospel, pray and fast together in their homes.  In doing so parents and children alike will increase in faith and righteous desires. 

Testimony – I know that we “are blessed in all things, both temporally and spiritually” and if we “hold out faithful to the end” we “will be received into heaven, that thereby we may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.  O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it” (Mosiah 2:41).