Lesson from the Doctrine and Covenants 2021
Lesson No. Twenty-One

The “As For Years” Principle – D&C 51:16-17

For a little season – When Church members arrived in Ohio from Colesville New York they knew they would live there only “for a little season”.  They were waiting for a revelation on where Zion would be established, and Zion is where they intended to establish permanent homes.  Yet, the Lord told the Prophet Joseph Smith:  “I consecrate unto them this land for a little season, until I, the Lord, shall provide for them otherwise, and command them to go hence.  And the hour and the day is not given unto them, wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good” (D&C 51:16-17, emphasis added; see also John S. Tanner, As For Years, BYU Address).

In the quest to establish Zion there were many temporary stopping places – This was certainly true of the Colesville saints.  Their “little season” in Thompson Ohio was only six weeks when the Lord commanded them to go to Missouri (D&C 54:8).  Soon after they arrived in Independence Missouri the Lord revealed this was to be the land of Zion (D&C 57).  Certainly, they believed they would be there for generations, but as it turned out Missouri was a temporary stopping place.  Latter Nauvoo also was a temporary stopping place.  For many early saints, the Great Salt Lake Valley was also a temporary stopping place as they were called from there to establish many cities and towns throughout the West.  

The “as for years” principle applies to everyone in one way or another – Our pioneer ancestors lived the as for years principle when they planted crops and established settlements they knew they must leave.  The as for years principle applies when students and often their families know that after graduation they will be leaving to establish a new home in some yet unknown place.  Everyone experiences temporary stopping places.  We do not know how long we will be in a present job, or calling, or neighborhood, but we should act upon every opportunity and destination in our life’s journey as for years. We know from observation and experience that when we do this it turns to us for good just as the Lord promised.  (See D&C 51:17

As we act for years in our temporary stopping places we should lift where we stand – The Lord commanded that we “should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of [our] own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness” (D&C 58:27).  This includes the willingness to “lift where you stand.”  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf explained that if we lift were we stand we will accept and magnify Church callings, we will look for opportunities to serve and to bless others.  (See Lift Where You Stand, October 2008 General Conference)  Our ability to do good is magnified as we work and serve with others in families, priesthood quorums, relief societies, and other worthy organizations.

Mortal life is a little season and a temporary stopping place – The “as for years” principle applies to our mortal journey.  We know from an eternal perspective that our mortal life is a little season and a temporary stopping place.  (Elder Neal A. Maxwell described mortality as “one night in a third class hotel)  We are all like the Colesville saints, in that “the hour and day” of our departure from this life is not given to us.  None of us know when we will be called home.  Therefore, we are to live in the present “as for years”, and at the same time we are to prepare for eternity by striving to live the gospel of Jesus Christ.  If we do this the Lord promised that it “shall turn unto them for their good” (D&C 51:17), and we will receive joy in this life and eternal life in the world to come.