Lessons from the Doctrine and Covenants 2021
Lesson No. Thirteen

Believing True Doctrine is Essential - D&C 29

All prior dispensations fell into apostasy, ours will not In our dispensation the Restored Church of Jesus Christ will be teaching true doctrine when the Lord comes again.  However, there will be considerable individual apostasy which is often caused by believing false doctrine

The restoration of true doctrine – The doctrinal restoration began with the First Vision in the spring of 1820 when Joseph Smith learned the true nature of God.   The next major even in the doctrinal restoration was the publication of the Book of Mormon on March 26, 1830.  Eleven days later, on April 6, 1830, the Restored Church of Jesus Christ was organized, and the doctrinal restoration continued.  The revelations contained in D&C 20 – 29 were given over the next few months.  D&C 29 is particularly noteworthy because the Lord teaches several important gospel doctrines.  These doctrines include: Resurrection and Judgement Vs 26-30; Agency and Accountability Vs 34-39; Fall and Atonement, Repentance and Redemption Vs 40-45.

The First Vision by Del Parson

Printing of the First Book of Mormon by Gary E. Smith

Organization of the Church by Barrett

As true doctrine is restored, Satan promotes false doctrine – Ten days after the Church was organized questions arose about the need to be rebaptized.  (See D&C 23); Satan then gave false revelations through a stone.  This deceived some, including Oliver Cowdery.  (See D&C 28)  From that time, as latter day prophets receive continuing revelation, the Restored Church has been besieged by false doctrines.

In the latter days, many people will believe “false and vain and foolish doctrines” (2 Nephi 28:9) – There are well meaning and good people who want to adopt a new vocabulary where the words of the scriptures are updated in order to take the edges off.  They believe that the traditional meaning of important words and doctrinal concepts may cause people stress.  Therefore, in this new language, sin is understood as “woundedness.”  Salvation becomes “realization.”  The Fall is “ascension.”  The Atonement is “healing.”  Could confusion about the meaning of these basic doctrines be a significant cause of why some people, especially the younger generations, find reason to leave the Church?

The Study Helps published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are very valuable in understanding true doctrine – Sin is clearly defined as “Willful disobedience to God’s commandments.”  We also learn that the answer to sin is repentance and the atonement of Jesus Christ.  Other easily understood and spiritually powerful definitions are given for Salvation, the Fall, and the Atonement (see Bible Dictionary and Guide to the Scriptures).  Church publications and the sermons and writing of Church leaders and mainstream gospel scholars are also very helpful to understand true doctrine.          

It is important to understand how certain words are used in the scriptures – President Ezra Taft Benson wrote:  “It is important that in our teaching we make use of the language of holy writ….The words and how they are used in the Book of Mormon by the Lord should become our source of understanding and should be used by us in teaching gospel principles” (A Witness and a Warning, p. 31).  President Benson also observed that in scripture the word “pride” is never used positively.  (Beware of Pride, Ensign, May 1989).   This helps us understand how we should apply the scriptures in our life.    

Prayer and scripture study is essential to gain a testimony of true doctrine – As I ponder and pray to understand and apply the doctrines taught in the scriptures and in the revelations, I often experience the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  These promptings usually have a “carrot effect” and give me a greater desire to repent and improve.  I have also felt the “stick effect” where I am frightened if I do not repent and do better.  I rejoice that I have received personalized tutoring in my quest to understand true doctrine, and to more fully live the gospel of Jesus Christ.